kung fu

The pursuit of physical and mental perfection. Kung fu is used to take a chaotic mind and turn it into a flourishing garden of thought. The physical side of Kung fu is what is seen on tv, its all people know about it because they are not worthy of its study until they realise it. Kung fu comes in many many forms, it is not limited to a style, a style is somthing we make from kung fu. Just because the styles available are what is on offer, does not mean that after you learn discipline in one style you cannot progress and create your own personal style based on what is essentially your most powerful stance, movement pattern, or technique. Kung fu is misunderstood from its original intentions, purely because many heathens have gotten hold of it and are not following the rules associated with attaining and maintaining balance in thier lives. Kung fu is not an excuse to pick fights, thought in this area is needed greatly because it is a fairly gentle art in most cases and this is misinterpreted. The reason we are not shown what can be done by most kung fu masters is because of the nature of man and the overwhelming desire to do battle inherant within 'most' of us. A dedicated passion for peace is what is needed to achieve control and perfection of the art.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to kung fu. Some of the top words include: wushu, Single Whip, MaTriX, grit, aikido, and 25 more.